by Greg Dietrich | Aug 1, 2024 | Uncategorized
I seems as though a lot of people on church security teams put all their eggs in one basket. That is, the only training they get is going to the range and practice handgun skills. That’s what I call “During the Bang” skills. Don’t get me wrong, your handgun skills are...
by Greg Dietrich | May 1, 2024 | Uncategorized
We train our Gatekeepers to recognize people that “Don’t Look Right” and to question the person with “Aggressive Friendliness” so that we can get an idea if there might be a problem with the individual. That’s a good technique for the Bad Guys that might lean toward...
by Greg Dietrich | Feb 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
With every church shooting we all hear the mantra “You got to have a PLAN?” It’s as though a “PLAN” is some onerous piece of literary work comprised of millions of pages of processes and procedures. I was once a managing consultant to fortune 500 companies for one of...
by Greg Dietrich | Feb 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
In this litigious society we live in today; Liability is at the top of the concerns of all churches. Imagine the damage a single mistake could cost your church. If your security team should be responsible for the injury or death of an innocent person, were to be...
by Greg Dietrich | Feb 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
We’ve all seen the bill boards along the freeway – “Are you hurting?”, “Do you need hope?”, “Jesus is the answer!” We advertise for people with problem to come to our church. Don’t be surprised when they show up wanting help! If you have been in the security...