ALERRT Advance Law Enforcement Rapid ResponseTraining

Mar 9, 2017 | Uncategorized

ALERRT – Advance Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training

Thanks to our law enforcement friends we recently had the opportunity to participate in training that is usually reserved for law enforcement.

From the official ALERRT training home page:

ALERRT training was created in 2002 to address the need for active shooter response training for first responders. In 2013, ALERRT at Texas State was named the National Standard in Active Shooter Response Training by the FBI.

Although our training was limited due to time constrains, we were able to understand some of the core principles of the active shooter response methodology. Some of the disciplines were; team movement in hallways, threshold evaluation (slicing the pie) and dynamic room entry.

With these core principles, we are able to feel more competent in addressing a threat. However, we know that plan “A” is always ditched once the real world engages and that you better have a plan “B” and maybe even a “C”, “D” and “E”.

We look forward to being able to pass along these core principles in future training of our Gatekeepers.

Call us to schedule training for your team @ 214-305-5616